Health Promotion is Trendy - Why You Should Jump On This Trend.

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a Reel I shared this week that contained the following statistic:

41% of adults over age 20 are obese. This statistic is insanely high. If you look back at old pictures from decades ago, you rarely see obese individuals.

Scientists are now seeing genetic relation with obesity and not just a behavior of laziness and over-eating.

If you aren’t following me on social media yet:


You may also see health promotion everywhere you look. Whether its walking, pilates, focusing on gut health, vitamins, sleep health, skin safety, red-light therapy and cryotherapy, etc.

What does research say about this ‘trend’? According to Health and Well Being (2023), a study from 2018 revealed millennials (born between 1981-1996) are more likely to prioritize health and wellness when it comes to physical, emotional, social health as well as making food choices than previous generations (80% of millennials). This is compared to 64% of baby boomers (born between 1946-1964).

Another study completed in 2019 revealed millennials are more likely to engage in health behaviors including regular exercise, mental health and managing stress.

One component of this health prioritization trend is millennials and gen z want to change their lifestyles to be more healthy and environmentally friendly/sustainable.

What can you do to prioritize your health? Start simple by:

  • Looking at the food/drink ingredients you are consuming.

  • Wear sunscreen when outdoors.

  • Go on a daily walk.

  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep.

  • Practice mental well being (prayer, journaling, listening to worship music, breathing techniques, etc).

The more you know about the negative effects of your lifestyle, or maybe i should say, if you could see yourself in 50 years, how would your health be based on the lifestyle habits you currently have? If you want to live a healthy life with a great quality of life, you need to start focussing on this now.

Let’s work together to decrease this statistic of obesity prevalence.

If you need or are wanting any help with health prioritization, reach out. I would love to work with you!


Health and Well Being (2023). Study Shows Younger Generations Are More Health- Conscious Than Previous Generations. Retrieved from


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