Daylight Savings - How to Take Advantage of the Extra Hour

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE this time of year. Having the extra hour of sunlight makes me feel like I have more time in my day.

When you are driving to work in the dark and driving home from work in the dark, you just want to go to bed when you get home.

If you have an extra hour of sunlight at the end of your day, you will want to take advantage of it.

So, how can we take advantage of the extra hour? Here are five practical ways you can:

  1. Go for an evening walk, jog or run.

  2. Take your child(ren) or pets to the park.

  3. Go for a dip in the pool.

  4. Eat dinner outside.

  5. Grow/maintain a garden.

If you’ve never done any of the above activities, I would encourage you to choose one of the activities to commit to a few times each week.

All of these activities will benefit you health-wise and have the potential to benefit your relationship with others.

I would love to hear what you have decided to add into your evening schedule. If you are subscribed to the Newsletter, reply to the email with this blog post link and let me know what you plan to do.

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